Spielzeug Marktplatz ARS

Customer Success Story

Arbeitskreis Richtiges Spielzeug

The Arbeitskreis Richtiges Spielzeug (ARS) consists of more than 70 innovative and dedicated specialty stores for high-quality toys in Germany, Switzerland, Italy, and Luxembourg.

What unites the sellers: A passion for handpicked toys with purpose and added value! What ARS was missing: a digital showcase with an online shopping function. Whom ARS chose for the technical implementation: Platoyo!

From marketplace dream to platform reality in just 4 months - Platoyo makes it possible!

“Compared to other providers, Platoyo not only offers a top product technically but also a solution that we can offer to our sellers at a low cost. But what’s even more important: With Platoyo by our side, we can implement a marketplace solution with minimal effort." 
Philipp Dresel, Managing Director ARS

Philipp Dresel white background

Initial Situation

The Arbeitskreis Richtiges Spielzeug (ARS) recognized the potential of an omnichannel strategy and decided to offer its sellers a shared online marketplace. This initiative aimed to reach new customer groups, enhance competitiveness, and prepare ARS members for the future.


The goal

The project's goal was to create a cross-ARS platform for presenting the product range. Additionally, individual sellers were to be provided with the option of having personalized online shops with their own domains, alongside their integration into the online marketplace.

Holzspielzeug ARS Regenbogen

The challenge

Even though ARS approached the project with motivation, there were several challenges: 

  • Some ARS members had previously had bad experiences with other providers, making them skeptical about the "Shared Online Marketplace" project.
  • There was a varying level of knowledge among the sellers. Some already had experience with digitalization, while others only had basic digital knowledge.
  • Since the sellers were fully engaged in their daily business, they had limited resources available for the project's implementation.

Therefore, it was particularly important for the project's success to implement it with as little time investment as possible for all parties involved and to quickly win over the skeptical ARS sellers to the marketplace.

The solution

Three factors played a crucial role in the rapid implementation: the quickly deployable, mature, and flexible omnichannel solution from Platoyo, proven processes, and prompt, targeted support for any questions.


The result

After just three months, www.richtiggutesspielzeug.de went online: A professional and highly functional online marketplace tailored to the needs of ARS, which is very well received by sellers and customers alike.

Richtig-Gutes-Spielzeug-ARS (1)
launchtermin verschieben ARS

Success factor: Sellers

The sellers were actively involved in the process. 

  • To convince the skeptical sellers about the project, ARS decided to involve their knowledge, ideas, and wishes early in the process. The result: motivated sellers who actively contributed to the project.
  • Regular virtual meetings, where ARS informed its members about the project progress, also helped build trust.
  • Another important element was the active communication of success stories from participating sellers. This best practice sharing encouraged more ARS members to actively utilize the platform's opportunities for themselves.

Success factor: Technology

The collaboration with Platoyo allowed ARS to focus on its core competencies. 

  • With Platoyo's technology, a complete online marketplace was available within days, including a cross-seller shopping cart, order splitting, payment, clearing, and payment management. Additionally, sellers received an individual, automated online shop under their own domain if desired.
  • All inventory management systems of ARS members could be connected for automatic stock synchronization, including ERFA Spiel and Shopwin.
  • The Platoyo team handled the organization and technical integration of product data in collaboration with brands and suppliers. This ensured that product data was centrally available for everyone. Over 500 brands with their 30,000 products have been secured for collaboration so far.
  • Another important tool for ARS: The AI tool integrated into the Platoyo solution, which enables sellers to quickly and easily create attractive product descriptions, category descriptions, and company profiles.

“I didn’t expect the new online marketplace to be so successful right from the start and to receive numerous orders immediately after the launch. I am truly glad that I took this step towards an online marketplace!”  Johannes Leibig, ARS Ludi Spielwaren

ARS Ludi gray background

Das Ergebnis

Insights into the features & functions for  www.richtiggutesspielzeug.de
ARS Startseite Online Marktplatz


The homepage of the online marketplace welcomes customers with an inviting overview of the entire offering. It showcases products, sellers, and current promotions. Through the main menu and the homepage, various product theme worlds are accessible. The comprehensive search function covers products, sellers, and events.

Campaign function

To enable ARS to fully utilize the potential of the new online marketplace, there are many opportunities for targeted marketing actions. These include campaign sliders, tip of the day, theme pages, and favorite products.

Lieblingsprodukte ARS Online Marktplatz
Richtig-Gutes-Spielzeug-ARS Händlerübersicht

Seller overview

Important for ARS: to provide local sellers with an omnichannel platform. The provider overview displays all participating sellers.

Seller profile page

Sellers receive a profile on www.richtiggutesspielzeug.de, allowing them to present themselves and their offerings. This way, they are active online while maintaining a local presence.

Salima Händlerprofil ARS Online Marktplatz
Produktdatenintegration ARS

Product data integration

Seamless product data integration across the various inventory management systems of the sellers. The product data is further enriched automatically with product information from manufacturers.

Automated Online Shops

Upon request, sellers received an automated online shop with their own domain, enabling them to specifically showcase their offerings, conduct independent marketing activities (e.g., social media campaigns), and strategically strengthen their local brand.

Wuaptki AOS Online Shops
Veronika Salima Kinderschätze ARS gray background 2

“Since the launch of the online marketplace, our mornings have become very busy! My team is working hard to ensure that we process all incoming online orders on time for our customers. I am thrilled with how well it is going!”
Veronika Glaab-Post, Salima Kinderschätze


Philipp Dresel white background

Philipp Dresel
ARS, Managing Director


Laura Beyer white background

Laura Beyer

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